3 women sat on high stools reading from script binders

For over 40 years our theatre making has involved working across the arts, health, and community sectors. We’ve found that theatre is an effective way of presenting complex ideas and issues in an accessible and entertaining format. Whether you’re organising a conference or training day or want something a little different for your group or member’s society, we have a wide range of engaging and entertaining performances . 

Our unique methodology means we capture a multitude of voices in our work, including people of different ages, experiences, opinions and cultural backgrounds – elements of which resonate with audiences as they recognise and relate to different aspects of the material. 

We tailor every performance and every workshop to suit your needs, the space you have and the goals you wish to achieve. Even if you’re not quite sure what you want, get in touch with us and we can help you to work out the best way of moving forward.

“It was a powerful representation of how it felt to be an individual and family caught up in the processes and systems of health and social care – the poor communication, the confusion, the frustrations and endless bureaucracy.It was performed firstly for health and social care professionals and the impact was such that people were on the phone changing things before they left the theatre. There were more than a few tears shed too as the audience related more as users and carers rather than professionals. This proved to be a most powerful way to convey a message and catalyst for change. “

Professor Dame Julie Moore, Former CEO, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust.

The rates and fees for these productions and workshops are competitive and excellent value for money.

The following performances are available for booking.

Monologue shows

For a number of years we have research, written and performed Monologue shows on a range of different subject matters. We find the form is an effective way of presenting a multitude of voices, including people of different ages, experiences, opinions and cultural backgrounds – elements of which resonate with audiences as they recognise and relate to different aspects of the material. Performed by actors reading from the text, the pieces are relatively easy to remount as they do not require extended rehearsal periods. Monologue shows that currently available for booking are:

  • Self Harm
  • Older LGBT+ Experience
  • Cervical Health
  • Men’s Health
  • Health Visiting
  • Young people’s mental health
  • Pregnancy and disability

If there is a particular subject matter which you would like to commission a new monologue show for please feel free to contact us with more information.

How To Book

If you would like to book one of these performances or would like more information please email info@womenandtheatre.co.uk or call 0121 449 7117.