A professional theatre production with networking opportunities & discussions co-facilitated by care experienced young people.
9.30am & 1.30pm 19 January 2022
1.30pm 20 January 2022
Hosted by Women & Theatre, these events feature a professional theatre production called STEPS, networking opportunities & discussions co-facilitated by care experienced young people.
They are relevant to wide-ranging professionals and stakeholders, whose work directly or indirectly involves engagement with care experienced young people. We welcome attendance from commissioners, policy makers, 18+ workers, social workers, health professionals, and staff from police, housing associations, support organisations, foster care agencies and children’s homes.
STEPS is an entertaining, impactful and insightful drama which follows three Leaving Care Workers, and through their work, shares snapshots of the lives of the young people they support.
Developed from research and inspired by real conversations, the production is both funny and moving, featuring live performance with a dynamic soundscape of spoken word and original music.
Shining a light on realities faced by care experienced young people, the piece will promote discussions around their support needs and the steps that we can take forward together.
This event forms part of Women & Theatre’s Moving On project, funded by Esmee Fairbairn Foundation and delivered in partnership with Birmingham Children’s Trust, Birmingham City Council and Birmingham Hippodrome.
Duration: 2.5 hours including breaks
Tickets are free but advance booking is essential, book via our eventbrite page.
There are also public performances
7.30pm 20 January 2022 (BSL interpreted)
1.30pm 21 January 2022
7.30pm 21 January 2022
Tickets for these can be booked via Birmingham Hippodrome