“No one ever told me that we’re all just trying to figure it out”
The Patrick Studio, Birmingham Hippodrome
A professional theatre production with discussions co-facilitated by care experienced young people.
It takes a village to raise a child…but how are they supported into adulthood and beyond?
Step into the world of care leavers with this entertaining, impactful and insightful drama which follows three leaving Leaving Care Workers, and through their work, shares snapshots of the lives of young people they support.
Developed from research and inspired by real conversations, Taking Steps is both funny and moving, featuring live performance with dynamic soundscapes of spoken word and original music. Shining a light on realities faced by care experienced young people, the piece will promote discussions around their support needs and the steps we can take forward together.
Taking Steps was first performed at The Patrick Studio at Birmingham Hippodrome in January 2022
Watch the Trailer
There were also closed performances for professionals working in the care sector and related fields.
Cast & Creatives
Scripted by Janice Connolly
Directed by Jo Gleave
Designer: Dawn Allsopp
Sound Design & Projection: Duncan Grimley
Cast: Alison Belbin, Adaya Henry & Ty’rone Haughton
Stage Manager: Chaz Webb
Rehearsal Support: Tajá Luegáèzor Christian
Partners & Funders
TAKING STEPS has been developed as part of our Moving On project funded by Esmée Fairbairn Foundation and delivered in partnership with Birmingham Children’s Trust, Birmingham City Council and Birmingham Hippodrome.