23 Oct – 26 Oct 19 | The Door, Birmingham Repertory Theatre
Comprising of three monologues by three different playwrights, this funny, moving and intimate production explores wide ranging experiences of women of retirement age.
Developed through research, Prime Time reflects upon how women’s professional and personal lives have impacted on their current choices or lack of them and explores the deep-rooted gender issues that this stage of our lives often exposes.
Prime Time is the third collaboration between Women & Theatre and The REP exploring themes of women and work following the success of For The Past 30 Years in 2014 and Starting Out in 2016.
Cast & Creative Team
Written by Maeve Clarke, Rachael Mainwaring & Rochi Rampal
Cast: Janice Connolly, Souad Faress and Linda Hargreaves.
Director: Jo Gleave
Dramaturg: Madeleine Kludje
Sound Designer: Sam Frankie Fox
Lighting Designer: Alex Boucher
Stage Manager: Amber Curtis
BSL Interpreter: Mary Connell
Photo credit: Graeme Braidwood
Funders & Supporters
Birmingham Repertory Theatre, Arts Council England, Sir Barry Jackson, The John Feeney Trust, The Cole Charitable Trust.